5G Tutorial
5G Introduction
5G Network Function
5G Network Function Service
5G Definitions
5G Concepts
Architecture Reference
Data Storage Architectures
Non-3GPP Access
Non-3GPP Access Reference Points
Network Analytics architecture
Network Access Control
Http Status Codes
Http Custom Headers
Common Data Types
Service Based Architecture
Network Functions
Reference Points
Reference Points
Protocol Errors
Http Mandatory Headers
AMF Function
AMF Functional Description
AMF Specifications
AMF Services
SMF Function
SMF Functional Description
SMF Specifications
SMF Services
UPF Function
UPF Functional Description
PCF Function
PCF Functional Description
PCF Specifications
NEF Function
NEF Functional Description
NEF Specifications
NRF Function
NRF Functional Description
NRF Specifications
UDM Function
UDM Functional Description
UDM Specifications
AUSF Function
AUSF Functional Description
AUSF Specifications
N3IWF Function
N3IWF Function Description
Application Function
Application Functional Description
UDR Function
UDR Functional Description
UDR Specifications
UDSF Function
UDSF Functional Description
SMSF Function
SMSF Functional Description
SMSF Specifications
NSSF Function
NSSF Functional Description
NSSF Specifications
5G-EIR Function
5G-EIR Functional Description
5G-EIR Specifications
LMF Function
LMF Functional Description
LMF Specifications
SEPP Function
SEPP Functional Description
NWDAF Function
NWDAF Functional Description
NWDAF Specifications
Data Types

Equipment Identity Register Services

3GPP TS 29.511 Specification References

5G-EIR5G-Equipment Identity Register
EIREquipment Identity Register
PEIPermanent Equipment Identifier

N5G-eir is a Service-based interface , to Check the status of Equipment's identity, which is an optional network function

Services offered by the 5G-EIR NF

N5g-eir_EquipmentIdentityCheck Service

Service Description

The N5g-eir_Equipment Identity Check service is provided by the 5G-EIR to check the Permanent Equipment Identifier (PEI) whether it is in the black list or not. The service can be consumed by AMF which initiates ME identity check by invoking the N5g-eirEquipmentIdentityCheckGet service operation.

The NF Service Consumer (e.g. AMF) sends a GET request to the resource representing the PEI equipment Status. It shall include the PEI as a query parameter and, optionally, the SUPI may also be included.

On success, "200 OK" with the message body containing the equipment status of the PEI.

If the PEI is not known, "404 Not Found" with the message body containing a ProblemDetails object, with the "details" attribute set to "ERROR_EQUIPMENT_UNKNOWN".

When receiving the response from the 5G-EIR, the NF Service Consumer (e.g. AMF) shall check the equipment Status and the detailed problem. Dependent upon the result, the NF Service Consume will decide its subsequent actions (e.g. sending a Registration Reject if the 5G-EIR indicates that the PEI is unknown or blacklisted).

5G-EIR Service URL

URI query parameters supported by the GET method on this resource
NameData TypePCardinalityDescription
peiPeiM1The PEI of the UE shall be included for equipment identify checking
supiSupiO0..1The SUPI of the UE

Data structures supported by the GET Response Body on this resource
Data TypePCardinalityResponse CodeDescription
EirResponseDataM1200 (OK)Upon success, a response body containing the Equipment Status shall be returned
ProblemDetailsM1404 (404 Not Found)The equipment identify checking has failed.
The "cause" attribute shall be set to the following application error:

Definition of Data Type EirResponseData
Attribute NameData TypePCardinalityDescription
statusEquipmentStatusM1Status of the UE

EquipmentStatus Data Type - Enumeration
Enumeration ValueDescription
"WHITELISTED"Indicates the PEI is whitelisted
"BLACKLISTED"Indicates the PEI is blacklisted
"GREYLISTED"Indicates the PEI is greylisted

Error Handling

The common application errors defined in the Table in 3GPP TS 29.500 [4] may also be used for the N5g-eir_EquipmentIdentityCheck service, and the following application errors listed in the below Table are specific for the N5g-eir_EquipmentIdentityCheck service.

Application ErrorHTTP status codeDescription
ERROR_EQUIPMENT_UNKNOWN404Indicate the mobile equipment is not known in the EIR.

C - Prototype Of Data Types

typedef struct __si_fg_simple_Pei
	unsigned char value[255];
	int len;
	unsigned char * Pattern;
	uint8_t isset;
	uint8_t isNullable;

typedef struct __si_fg_simple_Supi
	unsigned char value[255];
	int len;
	unsigned char * Pattern;
	uint8_t isset;
	uint8_t isNullable;

typedef struct __si_fg_simple_Uri
	unsigned char value[255];
	int len;
	unsigned char * Pattern;
	uint8_t isset;
	uint8_t isNullable;

typedef struct __si_fg_simple_String
	unsigned char value[255];
	int len;
	unsigned char * Pattern;
	uint8_t isset;
	uint8_t isNullable;
} SI_FG_SIMPLE_String;

typedef struct __si_fg_simple_Int32
	uint8_t isset;
	uint64_t value;
	uint8_t isNullable;

typedef struct __si_fg_data_InvalidParam
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_String param;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_String reason;
} SI_FG_DATA_InvalidParam;

typedef struct __si_fg_data_InvalidParam_Array
	SI_FG_DATA_InvalidParam Items[10];
	int Count;
} SI_FG_DATA_InvalidParam_Array;

typedef struct __si_fg_enum_EquipmentStatus
	unsigned char value[75];
	int len;
	uint8_t isset;
} SI_FG_ENUM_EquipmentStatus;

typedef struct __si_fg_data_EirResponseData
	SI_FG_ENUM_EquipmentStatus status;
} SI_FG_DATA_EirResponseData;

typedef struct __si_fg_data_ProblemDetails
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_Uri type;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_String title;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_Int32 status;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_String detail;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_Uri instance;
	SI_FG_SIMPLE_String cause;
	SI_FG_DATA_InvalidParam_Array invalidParams;
} SI_FG_DATA_ProblemDetails;

C - Prototype of API

void __si_fg_send_Neir_GetEquipmentStatus_GETRequest( SI_FG_HttpContext * httpContext, SI_FG_Neir_GetEquipmentStatusRequest * request);

void __si_fg_send_Neir_GetEquipmentStatusResponse_EirResponseData( SI_FG_HttpContext * httpContext, SI_FG_DATA_EirResponseData * eirResponseData);
void __si_fg_send_Neir_GetEquipmentStatusResponse_ProblemDetails( SI_FG_HttpContext * httpContext, SI_FG_DATA_ProblemDetails * problemDetails);


5G UE Route Selection Policy

posted on 2019-04-08 07:35:20 - 5G Tutorial Tutorials


5G UE Reachability Request Parameter for AMF

posted on 2019-04-08 07:35:04 - 5G Tutorial Tutorials


5G Uniform Resource Identifier

posted on 2019-04-08 07:34:48 - 5G Tutorial Tutorials

Prompt Examples

ChatGPT Prompt Examples

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Use Cases

Chat GPT Key Use Cases

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Prompt Frameworks

Prompt Frameworks

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