Go lang
read csv file
find variable type in golang
for loops in golang
MongoDB sort() Method
MongoDB Find
MongoDB FindOne
differences between arrays and slices
InsertOne MongoDB
Connecting to MongoDB
how to use range in golang
Create a Go module
Create app using Go Module
Installing GO lang

MongoDB sort() in golang


This program demonstrates usage of sort method of MongoDB in golang

create application directory for golang application, and create init go module as below

mkdir mongodbsort
cd mongodbsort
go mod init github.com/freedomtutorials/mongodbsort

import mongodb-drivers in go module, for this issue the below command

go get go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver

We will be using the below Person structure in this article.

type Person struct 
	ID int
	FirstName string
	LastName string
	Age int
	Salary int

for this example, the below is the data we are using, prepare slice and insert into MongoDB collection

    var persons []Person  
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Michael", LastName:"Ackerman", Age: 26, Salary: 1200})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Kayden", LastName:"Brown", Age: 24, Salary: 1200})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Dereck", LastName:"Belizaire", Age: 29, Salary: 1300})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Galilea", LastName:"Agrinsoni", Age: 23, Salary: 1400})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Jeremiah", LastName:"Albarracin", Age: 23, Salary: 1400})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Arianna", LastName:"Aliendo", Age: 28, Salary: 2300})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Aleida", LastName:"Anderson", Age: 30, Salary: 3000})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Calahn", LastName:"Anderson", Age: 33, Salary: 3300})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Hafeez", LastName:"Apata", Age: 35, Salary: 2500})
    persons = append( persons, Person{ ID:1, FirstName:"Leah", LastName:"Aristhilde", Age: 31, Salary: 2000})
    for _, person := range persons {
        //fmt.Printf( "%T  %T\n",  i, person)
        collInsertResult, err := coll.InsertOne( context.TODO(), person)
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Inserted Single Document: ", collInsertResult.InsertedID)

Sort collection on firstname

// set sort field and order, 1 = asc -1 = desc 
opts := options.Find()
opts.SetSort(bson.D{{"firstname", -1}})

// pass opts to Find Method
cursor, err := mydataCollection.Find( context.TODO(), bson.M{}, opts)

check for any error

if err != nil {

Read.All from cursor and fill Slice object

var persons []Person
if err = cursor.All( context.TODO(), &persons); err != nil {

close the cursor

cursor.Close( context.TODO())

how to use range in golang

how to use range in golang

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find variable type in golang

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for loops in golang

for loops in golang

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